Photo Gallery  >  Stratco "Outback" Verandahs Patios Carports Sunroofs<back


Gable roof Patio

Gable roof & flat sides

Flat roof with skylights

Flat roof patio

Gable with Gazebo end & flat sides

Gable roof with Gazebo end

Pergola with shade blades

Gable roof & flat sides

Flat roof patio

Gable roof & flat sides

Gable roof & flat sides

Pitched roof with skylights

Flat roof with skylights & pergola

Pitched gable with flat roof either side

Flat roof Carport with pergola on side

Gable Patio

Outback flat roof

TrimBuilt Home Improvements
216 Mountain View Rd, Greensborough 3088
Phone: 03 9432 1866   Fax: 9432 0375

Website Design by Oxygen Media